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Workshop U

An education you actively build, not receive.

Workshop U is a year-long postsecondary program for young adults (age 18-25) to design-and-build their adult life. All while earning college credit in the process.

Workshop U
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Workshop U student giving presentation

This is what you'll design for over the course of a one year program.

We all want a sense of purpose that makes life meaningful and gives us direction...


We all want fulfilling, durable relationships and a sense of belonging in a community where we are known...

Workshop U is about



& Purpose

We all want financial stability and a way to consistently provide for ourselves and the people we care about...

Workshop U student speaking to another student
Two Workshop U students working on an assignment

“I am looking for someone to not show me all the steps, but just to show me the path."

- Qayla (WU Student)

“School experiences typically have not been about what I want to do with my life. They’ve not been about self-introspection.

It’s been – here’s a script.

Workshop U, on the other hand… why haven’t I done this in high school? Where has this been all my life?”

- Piotr (WU Student)

“Our goal is for students to come through this year with a deep sense of who they are, what they want in life right now, and the conviction that they can make that life possible.


That’s not just a general level of optimism… or sense of agency… It's the kind of confidence that comes from building a skillset, having people in your corner, and knowing how you are going to make those goals a reality."

 - Matt (WU Co-Founder)

Workshop U Core Principles:


Building relationships and a strong community is the most important part of what we do at Workshop U.


Every young person, regardless of background or financial circumstances, deserves to be in the driver's seat of designing their future and shaping their life.


College should be a place for real work with real stakes in one’s life.


Experience is the best teacher. We learn best by trying and doing.


There is no straight path through life, and no one has it all figured out. The design process is something we practice not once, but over and over again across a lifetime.

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